Super P-force 160mg


Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are the two most significant sexual problems affecting millions of men all around the world. Although these conditions are a much more widespread problem for men over the age of 40, these problems are usually also experienced by younger people at some point in time. For this reason, Sunrise Remedies has produced Super P Force, a powerful medication for the treatment of premature ejaculation as well as erectile dysfunction. This drug is a mixture of two FDA approved ingredients, sildenafil citrate, and dapoxetine, which work together to improve your sexual performance.


  • Super P Force is a superb treatment to solve the erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation as well as ensuring a full strength. For all men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, Super P Force is designed to solve your problems and to draw the happiness of sex in your life.This medicine is taken orally with a glass of water. It is a safe drug, but it is better to consult your doctor and make some health checkups to be sure that you will not suffer from any kind of complications.The result of this overall process is to generate more blood circulation in the genital area (around the penis and inside it) which will help in getting a good erection.For all the men who suffer from erection related problems including erectile dysfunction and premature, Super P-Force tablet is designed just for you to solve your problem. However, if you suffer from any serious disease including heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease or blood pressures, then consult your doctor before consuming any tablet.
  • According to all reviews and statistics,Super P force proved to be the best drug because it contains two effective components which are capable to solve two major sexual problems. Sildenafil is used to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction, whilst Dapoxetine is used to treat the problem of premature ejaculation. Thus, Super P force drug can solve many problems at the same time. Additionally, it blocks  the receptors which helps in slowing down the ejaculation, and as a result your intercourse will last for longer period of time.
  • On the other hand, if you are suffering from premature ejaculation, then Super P Force will be a great help for you since it also contains dapoxetine which starts working once you take the pill, and it delays the ejaculation so you get enough time to enjoy your intercourse and satisfy your partner for a longer period of time. Dapoxetine is not a big issue, actually it is just an anti-depressant which is capable of effecting the neurotransmitters of the brain and increasing the blood circulation.
  • This medicine contains 100 mg Sildenafil Citrate which works as a PDE5 inhibitor which is often used to treat erectile dysfunction problems in men. After taking a pill, the muscles of the penis will relax due to the flow of the blood (on the other hand, they would become constricted due to less blood circulation). The pill will also release nitric oxide in the blood and decrease the effect of PDE5 enzyme as well as replace it with another enzyme called cGMp.
  • This tablet is a mixture of two effective components (Sildenafil Citrate and Dapoxetine), both are used to treat impotency related problems.


You have to take the tablets properly to get a good result without reducing its impact.

Take one tablet a day, and don’t take except if you are sure that you are going to have intercourse after an hour.

The packet contains two pills which must be both taken to solve the two problems; however, if you suffer from one problem only, then you have to take one tablet only.

There is no need to eat before taking the pill.Drink a glass of water with the tablet but don’t mix it with any kind of alcohol.

To see the best results and avoid any complications, don’t consume a heavy meal or alcohol before or after taking the tablet.


To avoid most of the above side- effects, the consumers of Super P-Force should take some precautions in consideration:

Consult your doctor before using this medicine to avoid any health problem.

If you have any serious health problem like heart, kidney or liver problems, then it is recommended to stay away from this medication.

Consuming more than one tablet a day for any reason could be harmful.

Don’t consume this tablet with alcohol, because such combination could be dangerous.

This drug must not be used daily, and it should only be taken before an hour of having an intercourse.

The initial dose of the tablet is 25mg, but this dose is not fixed for all men, as it may be increased or decreased according to its impact on the body.

Don’t club these tablet with Saquinavir, Nitroprusside or any other major medication.

Children and women must not use Super P-Force for any reason, since these tablets are designed for men only.

You can use this medication if you are over 18 years old.


Super P Force is just like other drugs, it come up with alot of benefits and slight side-effects,

If you are suffering from any serious health problem likd aheart disease, you have to consult your doctor before using this medicine.

When you use this medicine for the first time,you may feelnausea, dizziness and rapid heart rate, but these symptoms will diminish bytime.

Don’t worry if you get a headache since this is a normalsymptom for using this medicine.

It you have any blood pressure problems, thenyou also have to consult your doctor before taking this pill since it may alsocause high blood pressure or excessive muscle pain


Super P Force is capable of improving your ejaculation andincreasing it from just 2 minutes till over 20 minutes. Furthermore, it is thebest treatment for having successful sexual relation and solving erectiledysfunction problem without emptying your pocket and making much efforts. Thepills role is to release enough blood around the genital area to solve all theproblems related to ejaculation and erection.